Serbian Chef Knife VS Chinese Cleaver
What is Serbian chef knife and Chinese cleaver 1. Serbian chef knife The Serbian chef knife is also called chef knife, which has a longer and wider blade than other western kitchen knives. It features a very sharp blade with a thick and powerful spine. The carbon content of a Serbian-style chef knife is often around 1% which consolidates the knife blade and makes the blade solid for an extended time. The Almazan chef knife always has a special design for improving your efficiency in the kitchen and gets cutting tasks done faster. It always made of excellent quality steel, Just pass it over the food once and it’ll be cut without resistance. The hand-forged Serbian chef knife is very versatile, which is heavy but sharp, and is useful for finely chopping and slicing food items. What’s more, it can debone the bones of small animals like a chicken. the pointed end of the knife gives you the ability to make more delicate cuts easily. With one Ser...